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Tel: 01384 77255 Fax: 01384 77254 Email: sales@aqualift.co.uk Part of the DRINGI group

Aqualifted Marine are Designers, suppliers and manufacturing coordinators of ship's lashing and mooring equipment, industrial lifting gear and components.

AQUALIFT now boasts a huge range of tooling for a wide variety of marine mooring, rigging and chain cable accessories for anchor systems from 12mm to 102mm on grades 1, 2 and 3 in ferrous and non-ferrous steels, bronzes and exotic alloys, all it's production can be surveyed and released by international certifying bodies on request.

At Aqualift we can provide the following services

• Drop Forging  • MIG & TIG Welding • Blacksmithing  • Die Sinking • Swaging  • CNC machining • Bending  • Assembly / Marking • Cutting  • Tensile Testing  • Upset Forging  • Profile Cutting • Forging  • Shot blasting• Chain & Link Making  • NDT

A wide selection buoy shackles can be made to your specifications on site

 pulleys for wire rope, pulleys for rope, galvanised awning pulley block and much more


Product Design

Available products include:

 Bownuts  • Pulley Blocks • Chain  • Recovery Shackles • Links  • Rigging Screws • Container Lifting Lugs  • Shackles • Eyebolts  • Slips • Eyerods  • Sockets • Fall Arrest Anchors  • Stoppers • Hooks  • Swivels • Link Plates  • Tower Swivels • Deck Plates  • Turnbuckles


Heat Treatment

pelican hooks Pelican Hooks

wire rope assemblies and fittings to suit your specific applications

We can supply Pelican hooks designed to

MOD & Lloyds specifications


A wide selection buoy shackles can be made to your specifications on site

Custom Shackle Fabrications wirerope Repairs

Testing & Repairs

Buoy shackle

Bridle Assembly, Custom Assemblies and Fabrications